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I speak to a lot of people about permanent makeup removal. This is almost always due to clients not being happy with the colour, shape or both of permanent makeup procedures – eyebrows being the most common.

Most people in this situation seek permanent makeup removal which is required for very few clients that I see – I am able to correct both colour and shape for most clients.

Please see my permanent makeup correction page for more details.

If you’d like to have a chat with me about correcting or removing a previous permanent makeup procedure, send me a message or call me on 07780 141 411.

Price: from £100 per session.

Permanent makeup removal options

There are numerous ways of removing permanent makeup.  As with correction there are no guarantees.  You should again only go to a fully qualified professional for any of the treatments below, (never attempt these yourself) and they should be honest with you about what to expect.


One of the most common is laser removal (however this cannot be used on lips and I think you would be hard pressed to find someone who would laser eyeliner off as is so close to your eye!)

Laser can be costly and as the laser only recognises certain colours so there is no guarantee of complete removal. You may end up with a more faded colour. However it is proven to be quite effective with removing eyebrow tattoos. Multiple sessions will be required and you need on average about 4 weeks in between treatments.  Laser treatment can be painful.

Tattoo removal creams

Tattoo creams are used to lift colour and are more effective in removing all colours not just the darker ones.  Many of these creams contain Tri chloroacetic acid (TCA) is used in chemical peels.  If not used under the correct conditions can cause blindness. Your trained professional should be able to advise you on which brands and further details.


This is the same a the process of a Glycolic Acid skin peel.  The process involves removing the top layers of the skin which then causes the skin to shed the dead skin cells.  The process of exfoliation. Over time the skin regenerates and the tattoo will fade. Again it is dependant on the colour as to what extent the tattoo will fade.


Saline removal is safe and a successful method of removing brow tattoos.  Saline is injected into the area of concern.  The pigment is lifted and extracted out of the skin.  This is preferable as the skin is left in tact and it is less painful than other methods. Usually 4 – 6 wks between sessions.

Clay Tattoo removal

This is a form of clay that is high in magnesium oxide.  The bleaching properties in the clay diminish the colour in the pigment.